The biggest wheat-producing countries are mainly located in the northern hemisphere. Russia, France, China, Ukraine, the United States, and India, here are some of the biggest wheat producers in the world.
The list of the biggest wheat producers in the world
The FAO estimates that the average annual wheat production is around 660 million tons. Another interesting fact is that the same international organization estimates that almost 15% is stored.
1. China, the largest wheat producer in the world

With more than 130 million tons of wheat produced each year, China is definitely the largest wheat producer in the world. It must be said that this country is also a huge country with 9.68 million square kilometers. But it is also the most populated country on the planet with nearly 1.4 billion inhabitants. Consequently, the needs for cereals in this country are enormous. And every year China is forced to import wheat from abroad.
2. India
With almost 100 million tons, India is the second-largest wheat-producing country.
On the Indian sub-continent, 29.5 million hectares are allocated to wheat cultivation. The productivity is moderate since the yield is 3.3 tons per hectare.
Depending on the harvests and the years, India may have to export wheat. When harvests exceed domestic demand, wheat is necessarily exported, as India does not have the storage capacity to keep wheat on its territory.
3. Russia, one of the largest wheat-producing countries in the world

Each year, 72 million tons of wheat are produced in the largest country in the world.
It is estimated that 26.5 million hectares in Russia are dedicated to wheat cultivation. Nevertheless, the yields are among the lowest with “only” 2.7 tons of wheat per hectare.
4. The United States
Wheat production in the United States amounts to 51 million tons of wheat. A little more than 16 million hectares are allocated to wheat cultivation. The yield is estimated at about 3200 kilograms of wheat per hectare.
The main wheat-producing states in the United States are North Dakota, Kansas, and Montana. Then come the states of Washington, Idaho, Minnesota, South Dakota, Colorado, Oklahoma, and Texas.
5. France, the largest producer in Europe

It is often said that Ukraine is the breadbasket of Europe, but it is in fact France that is the largest wheat-producing country on the European continent. With almost 36 million tons produced, France is undoubtedly one of the largest wheat producers in the world.
It is estimated that 5.2 million hectares of land in France are dedicated to wheat cultivation. But if France is the fifth largest wheat producer in the world, it is mainly due to its high yields. With 6.8 tons of wheat produced per hectare, France is the world champion in terms of yield among the largest wheat producers.
6. Canada
In Canada, 31.8 million tons of wheat are harvested on nearly 10 million hectares. The yield is 3.2 tons of wheat per hectare.
7. Pakistan
An estimated 25 million tons of wheat are harvested each year in Pakistan.
Nevertheless, this production is not sufficient for the domestic market. The country is therefore forced to regularly import millions of tons of wheat to meet domestic demand. The program includes the constitution of strategic stocks and the lifting of customs duties on this vital cereal for Pakistanis.
8. Ukraine

This country which covered more than 606,000 square kilometers produced a little less than 25 million tons of wheat every year. However, the war in the Donbas region, which has been going on in the east of the country since 2014, and the recent attack by Russia in 2022 are causing undeniable damage to grain production in Ukraine.
In Ukraine “only” 6.6 million hectares are dedicated to the cultivation of wheat. Until 2021, the average yield of 3.7 tons per hectare could be observed.
9. Germany

This large country in the center of the European continent produces 22 million tons annually. The yield rate is almost 6.7 tons of wheat per hectare.
Germany now has a total agricultural area of almost 17 million hectares. This area of land and production has increased as a result of the pressure of global demand. Germany is now the second-largest agricultural producer in the European Union. This has enabled it to become a major wheat exporter on intra-community markets (European Union) and also to play an international role by exporting to West Africa, Saudi Arabia, and Iran.
10. Australia
Australia harvests an average of 21 million tons of wheat per year. Australian wheat is grown on almost 11 million hectares. Yields are quite low with only 1.9 tons per hectare.
The list of the biggest wheat exporters
Knowing where wheat is produced is important information. However, knowing where the surpluses are is essential. Wheat exports are vital to the food security of some countries in the world. Total wheat exports worldwide are worth almost 52 billion euros each year (2020). But in 2022, the price of wheat reached a high of 438.25 euros per ton following India’s announcement to stop its wheat exports.
1. Russia, the largest exporter
Despite its third place behind India and China, Russia is indeed one of the largest exporters of wheat.
The amount of these exports amounts to more than 10 billion dollars per year. Russian wheat is mainly delivered to Egypt – this country alone accounts for almost one-third of Russian wheat exports). Among the main importers of Russian wheat are also Turkey, Nigeria, and to a lesser extent Bangladesh and Pakistan.
But in 2022, with the Black Sea blockade, Russia is in a delicate position to export its cereals. Indeed, it is very complicated to send wheat to the West via freight trains, and traffic via the Black Sea and the Bosphorus Strait is currently interrupted.
2. Canada, one of the largest wheat-exporting countries
In Canada, wheat exports amount to 7.1 billion dollars. Wheat is mainly exported to China, Japan, and Indonesia.
3. The United States
The United States is second only to Canada with nearly $7.04 billion worth of wheat exports. The main markets for U.S. wheat are China, Mexico, and the Philippines.
4. France
With $4.76 billion in exports, France is the fourth largest wheat exporter. The main markets for French wheat are Algeria, China, and Belgium.
5. Ukraine
Historically, this largely agricultural country, whose 20% of the territory is now under Russian occupation, is in the leading pool of the largest wheat-exporting countries. Unfortunately, the Russian invasion that began in February 2022 will disrupt the current year’s harvest as well as those of the years to come. After the war operations, the country will have to reorganize itself and, in the long run, it will be necessary to clear the land of mines and pollution. Ukraine is now one of the countries with the most mines. After the necessary demining and clearance operations, it will be necessary to obtain seeds and wait patiently for the harvest.