What if the secret to getting better was deciding to be happy. For this lesson in well-being, we must go to our Danish friends in northern Europe at the gateway to Scandinavia. In Denmark, happiness has five letters: “hygge”. A word whose pronunciation would be “hou ga”. Don’t try to pronounce this word in front of a Dane; you are not equipped or even trained to pronounce this word correctly. But what is the meaning of hygge? That Danish word that is so fashionable that everyone is talking about.
The definition of hygge
First of all, hygge is a positive concept, a kind of mental hygiene that we repeat every day. A moment that we devote to ourselves in full consciousness. A little piece of life where we will try to reconnect to our body and especially where we will try to reconnect to the present. For those who do meditation, you should find some similarities with this practice. In Danish “hygge” means fun or thoughtful. And reflection or time for oneself is critical moments in Denmark. Because in this country nothing is done lightly, one is in search of a permanent aestheticism and a total and perfect harmony. It is, therefore, no coincidence that Denmark is so renowned for its design and lifestyle.
The “hygge” or the simple pleasures of life

What is important is, first of all, to become aware of a present. To be content with what you have and above all, to optimize your resources as much as possible. For example, instead of dreaming of a new sofa, we will try to arrange it as well as possible with cushions, plaid and a few small decorative touches.
The hygge is thus disconnected from any idea of possession or consumption. The hygge is quite simply the sum of all the small daily joys. To put meaning in what we do without necessarily being linked to money. Wrap yourself in a pled, put on big socks while drinking a good hot tea or a cinnamon coffee. As you can see, the Danes attach great importance to immaterial things. Therefore, the hygge can be compared to a sum of small pleasures in life that cannot be bought. It is, above all a state of mind in which you do your best to make things as pleasant as possible.
Ten tips to get you on the road to Danish happiness
Decoration for a warm interior
So we’re going to try to take care of his interior design. We purify, organize and above all, eliminate the furniture that prevents you from moving freely in your apartment. Above all, we will arrange in each room a small corner where you will enjoy spending time whether it is a chair in the kitchen near the window, a comfortable armchair in the living room or a corner of your bedroom. “Hip Hip Hygge”. Life begins today, and happiness is lived now.
Moreover, getting physically involved in the design of your apartment will help you to make things more appropriate. This approach is also found in Fengshui.
Log out and light candles.
In the evening, to avoid tiring her eyes a little more, we will opt for dimmed lights. And above all, we’ll hide our phone in a small cabinet in the entrance hall to avoid the popular social networks. Free services whose goal is to keep you as much time online as possible to expose you to a maximum of advertising and maximize profits. Nothing is free in this world. And this, even if some people try to sacrifice your mental health by getting you addicted to your phone and the dopamine-induced by these small programs. Too many screens contribute to feeling unhappy.
Choosing comfortable clothing
No more tight shirts, tight jeans and other uncomfortable everyday clothes. Instead, jogging bottoms, sweatshirts and big woollen sweaters or small cashmere sweaters that you put on and take off as the day takes its course.
Enjoying yourself without guilt
Whether it’s eating a cupcake or drinking a good coffee, we do it without feeling guilty. It’s all about enjoying the moment. It’s all about knowing that you’ll do something later to make up for it. Knowing how to rest also means giving yourself the means to be productive.
To be in the purest Danish tradition.
Although the Danish art of living has been in the media in France since the 1960s, hygge has been practiced in Scandinavia for centuries. It is first and foremost a guide to good practice for dealing with the cold of winter. Because hygge is much more than a fashion effect, it’s even a social philosophy that took off in Denmark around the 19th century. Being authentic with your loved ones and living in the present. But also to focus on improving the home and to know how to cultivate the comfort of the house. It is pleasant and comforting to know that other people before us have used this way of looking at things to live life better.
Enjoying the Present Moment

We’re drawing a line on the to-do list to procrastinate a little. And why not read a good book instead of frying your brain on a wire of information that goes too fast for your mind anyway? If you’re looking for the meaning of Hygge, well, it’s a kind of Carpe Diem. It knows how to enjoy the present moment slowly.
Get used to noticing the small details and subtle changes around you.
Hygge is also the art of being attentive. Attentive to changing lights, to the wind in your hair, to the sun’s rays that warm your body. This allows you to live each moment more intensely instead of spending your life waiting for the weekend or the end of the day. A good habit that helps you to open up to the world and to know how to appreciate all the beautiful things we have around us.
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photo credits: Yann