The Basilica of Superga, the most beautiful church in Turin

The most beautiful church of Turin is located about ten kilometers from the city center. This so-called minor basilica is in fact a sumptuous monument that turns the heads of all its visitors.

The basilica of Superga, an Italian treasure
Located on a beautiful esplanade perched on top of a hill, Superga dominates a good part of Piedmont. Here the architecture and the enchanting landscapes of Piedmont blend together to become one.
We owe this fantastic building to an Italian architect. A certain Filippo Juvarra who was both an architect and a scenographer. He was born on March 7, 1968 near Naples and more precisely in Messina. He died in Madrid almost 58 years later, on January 31, 1736. His most monumental project will remain without counting the Royal Palace of Madrid. It should be noted that a good number of palaces in Turin are the fruit of his reflection and his plans.
Fascinating domes of the Superga basilica

The domes of Superga, the most beautiful church in Turin, will make you look up and lose track of time. Nevertheless, time is sacred here, and every noon the basilica is invariably closed to the public. If you arrive at the wrong time, you will have to wait until 2 pm.

A unique point of view and a panoramic view of Turin

The Basilica of Superga overlooks the beautiful city of Turin. Perched on a mountain that exceeds 670 meters in altitude, the esplanade of the basilica offers one of the most beautiful views of the capital of Piedmont.
photo credits: Yann Vernerie
equipment used for the church shots: Fujifilm X-Pro 1 and 21 mm lens (equivalent lens). Second camera: X-Pro 3 and 50 mm (equivalent lens).